Yup, Nope, Maybe Next Year

Be truthful, do you make New Year’s resolutions? I don’t. The whole point of making a list of things guaranteed to make one a better, more complete human being totally eludes me. The entire process seems certain to disappoint or worse, get in the way of living life.

But from time-to-time it’s good to take stock of how things are going. Labor Day is a good time to reflect back on the year and think of what you’ve done, not done, and things best put off until next year. (Maybe the year after next.)

Eat More Corn: It’s been a good year for corn on the cob. My sister taught me how to grill corn in the husk and we’ve cooked our share. The national debate about diverting corn for biofuel misses the point, we need more corn for the grill.

Play Some Golf: It’s been a good year for playing golf on some fun courses. I may not have scored well, but watching the clouds roll through the valleys while playing golf in the mountains is something special.

Go to a Game: The baseball season is coming to a close and I regret not having spent more time at the ballpark. Hanging out with friends, a beer and a dog, catching a foul ball… priceless.

Replace Bulbs: 
Over the past year three of the four bulbs that light our garage have died, leaving only one 60W bulb. Replacing the bulbs has been on the list for a while, but as of Labor Day I can look back and mark this homeowner task complete. Is there a better feeling in the world?

Yin-Yang: Looking back on the year so far I can mark some things complete, a well-illuminated garage, but much yet to do. I’ve started working my way through the A – Z crime novels authored by Sue Grafton. I’m up to “E” is for Evidence, so I have a way to go. The ceiling fan on the back porch got replaced. Waterproofing the back deck… well, I need something to do next year too.

 More Sunsets: Enough said.

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